Wednesday, May 25, 2011

SMART Goal or DUMB Goal?

This month's CP3 focused on the 3 things you can remember when setting your S.M.A.R.T. business goals to improve sales. Just like there are SMART goals, there are also D.U.M.B. ones:
  • Distracting. Make sure that your goals do not stray from the path of success! Goals should be worth while and help  close more sales.
  • Unmeasurable. Make sure that the effort results in tangible statistics or results that will help you track success and improve sales. Know what your progress is and record it.
  • Meaningless and Boring. Consider goals that will contribute towards fine tuning your sales training. Make it exciting!  Take the time to make your goals worth doing by adding some flavor.
You've probably heard of the acronym, S.M.A.R.T. in association with goal setting. In case you can't recall off the top of your head exactly what this acronym stands for, let's go over it.
  • S is for Specific: What, Why, Who, Which, Where?
  • M is for Measurable: Set criteria to measure progress.
  • A is for Attainable: Set yourself up for success! Don't make it too hard, but a challenge is always more satisfying than an easy task.
  • R is for Relevant: Will this goal that you are setting REALLY make a difference?
  • T is for Time-based: A goal without a due date isn't a goal, its wishful thinking. Make a commitment to a deadline.

Kelly Wasden
ContactPoint Solutions NGA WDDA

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