Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Focus on Your Customers' Needs

How are you doing answering my questions from last month?  Did you answer them? If not, you’ll need to answer these questions so you can take advantage of what I’m sharing with you in the blog posting and several more to come your way.
  • Do your employees have Action Plans that are specific, measurable and time framed?
  • Are all your employees working toward common company goals?
  • Are all your employees working on the right things?
  • Are all your employees on the same page?
For those of you who answered “yes” to these questions, here is the first of several Action Plan guidelines for you to implement: Always focus on meeting the wants and needs of the customers.
Hopefully, everyone at your company recognizes the need to serve external customers like general contractors, etc.  If not, you’ve got some basic educating to do.  What may not seem so obvious is serving “internal customers”.  Internal customers are the follow-employees and the various departments within the company.  Serving the internal customers is just as important as serving the external customers. In fact, by serving internal customers it’s easier to serve external customers.  That message needs to be conveyed to all employees.
There are many ways to enhance serving internal customers and Consulting Collaborative clients know all of them because we are tell them.
The Second Guideline: Listen to the “Voice of the Client” (Conduct Client Satisfaction Surveys)
If I asked your employees if the company had happy customers, most people would have a definite opinion.  They’d say either “yes” or “no”.

However, if your company does not conducted any customer satisfaction surveys, the answers are based upon personal feelings that may or may not represent how the customers really feel. Conducting formal surveys of your customers is essential and they should be conducted on a consistent basis.  This means the customer is speaking; thus, the term “Voice of the Customer”.

The “Voice of the Customer” satisfaction survey can be conducted via the telephone by a knowledgeable representative from the company.  Phone surveys (as many in-person surveys as possible) are the best way to get input and to insure input is received.  Mailed surveys will result in less than a 10% return rate, whereas phone or in-person surveys will essentially be 100%.

Richard Voreis Consulting Collaborative

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